Syncovery 7.84 - Stopping because memory usage is over

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Syncovery 7.84 - Stopping because memory usage is over

Postby rbrown1983 on Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:45 am

Hi All,

We have multiple Syncovery jobs running that are successful each day but for the past few days more and more jobs are failing with the same error - "Stopping because memory usage is over 8GB". The syncovery server has 36GB of RAM and 68GB of free disk space, i cant see any obvious configuration to cap a job at 8GB.

has anyone seen this before and could help?
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Re: Syncovery 7.84 - Stopping because memory usage is over

Postby superflexible on Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:06 pm

To avoid using all your RAM, Syncovery avoids using more than 8GB.

You can allow Syncovery to use more memory by adding the following line to the [Main] section of the Syncovery.ini file (for example):


It will take effect when a new profile running process is started. This will happen if you stop the scheduler and stop all jobs or wait for them to finish, and then wait 20 more seconds so that the profile running process stops itself. You can see that in Task Manager. Then when you start it again, it reads the new setting.
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