Error running "before" script

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Error running "before" script

Postby bid on Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:52 am

I'm new with the software super flexible file Synchronizer.

I have do a monitoring folder, with monitoring/real time synch.

My process is:
1. I receive a file .gz
2. Before moving file to destination I would like to unzip the .gz
3. Moving the files not .gz to destination

I unzip the .gz file with 7-zip, excuting a before command line in Andvanced Settings -> Job -> execute command -> before.

The all process work, but in the field "Last Result" I receive always this error "Error running "before" script".

It's maybe because when I have any file in the folder the before command script try to do something?

It's the correct way other there is other solution with this software?

Thank you so much for your help.

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Re: Error running "before" script

Postby superflexible on Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:39 am

You need to use a .bat file to invoke 7zip and add the following line at the end:

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