Support for Windows Server 2016 Deduplication

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Support for Windows Server 2016 Deduplication

Postby helpcomputer on Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:36 pm


I’m using Syncovery to backup data to a NTFS drive which is running the Microsoft Windows Server Deduplication service on it. This service creates Reparse Points for all of the files as part of it’s deduplication process, – they function 100% as normal files just have different sizes (e.g. deletion deletes the actual file, copying copies the actual file…)

See here for how deduplication works in Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 - ... understand

The problem I’m having is
1. Syncovery would not compare the source and destination properly until i ticked the box "Detect Hard Links" - it kept copying everything again... ok that's fine though,
2. once the "Detect Hard Links" box was ticked, Syncovery refuses to DELETE any files… I can compare and copy data fine, but no deletions are possible.

In the logs for syncovery it says the following:

DELETE R E:\filename.txt
Cannot delete symbolic links on Windows (E:\filename.txt)

Any ideas?
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Re: Support for Windows Server 2016 Deduplication

Postby superflexible on Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:49 am

It's true, Syncovery cannot delete symbolic links on the Windows platform.

I will make tests with Server 2016 deduplication and see if this can be implemented.
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Re: Support for Windows Server 2016 Deduplication

Postby helpcomputer on Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:01 am

Thanks! If you would like any help or suggestions on how to easily set up deduplication for testing just let me know :)
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