New files are created as root

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New files are created as root

Postby Blindfish on Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:24 pm

I installed Syncovery_7.88a_amd64.deb on my Xubuntu machine using the GDebi packet installer. Everything works fine except that all new files downloaded from my mirror server belong to root and can't be edited as a normal user. The reason is probably that I had to install Syncovery with root privilege (the installer asked for the root password) and it's running as root now. I therefore removed the installation and tried to install via SyncoveryCL64-7.88a-Web.tar.gz in my home directory, hoping this version could be run without root privilege.
But, configuring the web server with './SyncoveryCL SET /WEBSERVER=localhost' as suggested on the download page, leads to an error: 'Exception EZSQLException: SQL Error: library routine called out of sequence: unable to open database file at 00000000004914CB' (/tmp//SyncoveryCL_Exceptions.log doesn't give much more meaningful information).
How could I let Syncovery do its work as a standard user or how could I make sure that new files don't belong to root?
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Re: New files are created as root

Postby superflexible on Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:31 pm

the problem now is that it tries to use the configuration file Syncovery.cfg in the folder specified in
/etc/syncovery.conf (or similar spelling).

You could edit that file or delete it in order to make it use a config file that is writeable by the user.
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Re: New files are created as root

Postby Blindfish on Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:49 am

Thank you very much! After deleting /etc/syncovery.conf I could install the tar.gz package without any problems and SyncoverCL is now running with the desired permissions. A warning for other users coming the same way: I tried to be smart and copied the old databases created with the root installation to the new installation. That didn't work. I had to create new profiles from scratch. Probably It would have been a better idea to export my profiles before getting rid of the root version and then later import the profiles in the new installation. But the duplication trick given here helped saving time:
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At the end I'm very happy again with this extremely useful piece of software, but I'm still wondering what the Debian package is good for, if the installed program can only create files with root permissions.
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