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Mac permission denied / transfer errors

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:44 am
by ngh1962
Hi, I’m running Mac OS X 10.9.5 with Mac Server 3.2.2 and Syncovery ver 7.10c to Sync two remote Mac server's with Drobo Units attached.

I have various Sycovery Profiles currently running (manually) while I test the software. After a number of teething problems I seem to have just one major one to over come. The following is an example of the error message I'm getting feed up seeing. Can anyone help and point me in the right direction.

When using SSH/SCP I get -



When using SSH/SFTP I get -

Filename: /Volumes/DESDrobo/Administration/TIMESHEETS/Chris Wray/dapa_902_Timesheet_09_02_2015_ .xlsx Checkpoints: TGGetOrPutEX:Permission denied

All need more info to assist please shout. All help welcome.

Re: Mac permission denied / transfer errors

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:53 pm
by superflexible

SSH/SCP is definitely wrong (obsolete protocol, only for some rare use cases).

Are you sure that the SFTP user account has enough permissions for these tasks? Did you check the permissions on the files and folders in Finder?

Can you try making the exact same transfer with some other SFTP client?

"Permission Denied" in this case means that the SFTP server denies access to the file and/or folder. You should really check the properties of the folder on the other end and check the permissions. Maybe you could try a different user account, too.

Re: Mac permission denied / transfer errors

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:48 am
by ngh1962

Thanks for the feedback, I only tried SSH/SCP as SSH/SFTP was getting the permission denied errors.

While testing using SSH/SFTP I've done so in "Root Level Mode" and the user login as System Admin and Root and still the same issue.

I've checked as directory level in Finder with Get Info and the permissions match it's only individual files with in the directory which won't copy and they don't exist on the distinction (Right Side).

A colleague of mine was able to copy of these file using SSH/SCP in terminal and it worked hence the reason I tried this protocol in Syncovery.

Is there anything else to check/try.


Re: Mac permission denied / transfer errors

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:33 am
by superflexible
If you could create a smallish test job that produces the problem and turn on "Internet Protocol Logging" on the Program Settings dialog and send me all the logs, I can take a look. I would need the normal log file as well as that FTPLOG files, which will be several for each job run.

Re: Mac permission denied / transfer errors

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:57 am
by ngh1962
Apologies for delay in replying.

For no apparent reason everything just seemed to start to work. All I can put it down to is I had to exist and reload the application.

As always with new software the more you use the more question come to light. Is there a way of generating a daily log of just the changes, nothing else. I know the complete of of the sync process is created, but all I need is a snap shot of the differences on both the L and R side.


Re: Mac permission denied / transfer errors

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:57 pm
by superflexible
the normal log files contain only the changes, i.e. the copied and deleted and moved files etc. But the info is not accumulated for a day, the list is separate for each profile run.